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September 13, 2010 | 8:27 am

It took us three days to cycle from London to Paris. The route we took worked out at just over 208 miles.

I don’t know how many miles it is exactly on the EuroStar but it certainly doesn’t take 3 days!!!!

We leave Paris at 10.13 and should arrive at 11.28. It takes 2 hours 15 minutes!!!

Puts all the work we have done into perspective!!!

On the one hand, we aren’t that far from Paris, but on the other, focusing more on the journey and less on the destination has been fantastic.

Posted by Gareth

One Response to Perspective

  1. avatar avatarLisa Skidmore says:

    Hi Gareth,
    It has been an absolute pleasure meeting you and taking part in this challenge with you and everyone else. I hope you have got out of this what it was you wanted. You are a fantastic guy and im sure your son is very proud of you.
    Keep pedaling, even if it gets a little undulating.

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