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November 4, 2010 | 6:51 am

All of a sudden this week, I have started seeing loads of spam comments appearing against different posts.

They seem to be from the same source and there’s approximately 50 a day.

Has anyone else got this problem with your blog? How do you deal with it?

Is it something that just comes with the territory or are there back end tools that can deal with this?

The site is built on WordPress version 3. If there’s anything out there that can deal with this, I’d be grateful for the heads up!

Posted by Gareth

2 Responses to Spamalot

  1. Pingback: Spamalot | Accucheck Directory Blog

  2. avatar avatarJoe Freeman says:


    We’re getting a lot on our blog at the moment too. At first they were nice comments like “I really love your site” which I thought was very nice, until I woke up and realised what was going on.

    There’s a pretty good sounding plug-in called Akismet that appears to be quite highly recommended. We’ve not set it up yet as you have to pay if you’re going to use if for a “commercial” blog (not sure ours comes under that heading though) but if it’s a personal blog, it’s free. Might be worth trying.

    Liking the new site too 🙂


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