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The final stretch

September 11, 2011 | 11:55 am

The rain started this morning about 9am and has been unrelenting since. People are cold and wet bit spirits remain high.

Just before lunch, we did the longest climb of the three days – a steady 400ft climb over 4 miles then sheltered from the rain whilst having lunch under a make shift gazebo.

Now the final stretch begins with a slow drag into the centre of Paris through the suburbs.

And still the rain comes down…

Posted by Gareth

2 Responses to The final stretch

  1. avatar avatarLisa says:

    I remember that hill. such a releif to see the support crew in that tiny carpark with lunch ready.

  2. avatar avatarRobin Crampton says:

    I too remember the hill. It wasn’t as bad as I expected and the rain was strangely refreshing, and took your mind off the climb. Thanks to everyone

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